Criteria for comfort food: is delicious and/or nutritious, is light weight.
- Crystal Light (3 months of only water is difficult)
- Instant Oatmeal (the high fibre, high protein variety)
- a few packets of hot chocolate (it gets cold at night!)
- Clif Bars (protein and fibre fiesta, basically)
- lots of gum
Criteria for comfort books/entertainment: high "time to digest":weight ratio.
- complete novels of Jane Austen (all 7 in one volume!)
- the book The Power of One
- the book Great Expectations
- a notebook
- a book of logic puzzles
- a calculator (is any item more comforting?) (plus I'm teaching math. so)
- iPod filled with all of my favourite songs plus some great podcasts
Packing List Part 1: Medicine)
oh man, i adore that a calculator is a comfort item for you. hee :-)