Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tea time

Every day at eleven o'clock, matron (I don't know the woman's name; everybody calls her matron) brings a giant thermos of tea and some white bread to the staff room.

It is the best part of every day. Lunch isn't until one thirty, and breakfast is at seven, so I eat like five pieces of bread. Sometimes the bread is stale at the crusts which makes it all the better for dipping. Even if I don't have anything else delicious all day, that's okay. As long as I've got that eleven o'clock tea and bread. Thanks, matron.


  1. From ANita, Ahah! THat great British tradition of tea time, toast and tea, part of the African experience too! Nice to have a matron to serve such a lovely tradition. Enjoy.

  2. Weird to have bread and tea instead of something sweet!
