Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I know a alot of people are anti malaria pill, but i'm kind of medicine fan. Since my student insurance covered the expensive good kind, (500 dollars, but for me only 21) I decided to take Malarone.

They say my area doesn't have malaria because it is too cold for mosquitos, but I've gotten a few bites despite wearing bug spray. Nothing a bit o' afterbite can't fix, but I'm just saying.

Today while I ate dinner and took my daily pill, I decided to read the little paper inside the pill box, because I'm breezing through the books I brought ant therefore am trying to ration them. There are about twenty side effects listed. Most I remember the doctor saying, but two suprised me. Insomnia and lack of appetite. I've been having lots of trouble falling asleep, which I blamed on the fact that dinner time here is at nine o'clock, and maybe some lingering jet lag. Also, I am starting to be called the smallest stomache in Kenya. I'm never hungry, and I eat less than the kids.

I'm kind of considering to stop taking them. The thing is, I'm almost done my first pack and it's going to feel like an achievement, you know? Like an advent calendar where you open one every day, but instead of Christmas, it's hometime. I think I will keep taking it, but also keep an eye on the symptoms.


  1. you could also try taking it earlier in the day. i took mine with breakfast and had no sleep issues. hey - still beats the old drugs with night terrors and paranoia. but def keep taking them. if you were there for much longer it wouldnt make sense but given the few month timeline it DEFINITELY beats real malaria...

  2. Good suggestion Charlotte! I think taking them in the morning might help with the insomnia. Instead of Christmas or hometime, it could signify the start of a fresh new day! (haha.)

  3. I would definitely keep taking them. You DON'T want to get malaria.

  4. Hi from Anita - We also took them in the morning and had no problem sleeping. GRAVOL is great if you need a good sleep - and much easier on you for a night or two than malaria. I know 2 who got malaria and it is no fun whatsover. Hang in there - you'll adapt to them too.

  5. i would keep taking them too. i like the suggestion about earlier in the day though!

  6. Take them!

    Also, I just realized now that this was the one to keep following... I am not as good a speed reader as I thought. Miss you just a bit more. Much love.

  7. Hello Lisa,

    It is your mother. Please take the pills.

    We want you to come back.


  8. Your Mom's comment is the best. The. Best.

    Keep taking those pills. Side effects are just side effects. Malaria is deadly.

