Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Full days

Man, I now have a computer! That is charged! And ready for 10 finger typing! But, the farm has been getting terrible internet reception, so I've only been able to access when I'm elsewhere, like on the road, with my cell phone. Fine, thumb typing it still is.

Back up! You say. On the road? Yes. My students wrote their June exams on Tuesday then left for a midterm break. Classes don't resume until next Tuesday! So I have a week off, a week that luckily coincides with the time that Eric is here. With him I've been visiting lots of homes and getting so see a lot more of this country than I would have otherwise. There have been some really sad and desperate sights that I'll go into more detail about in future posts.

Having a week off means some touristy activities. Today we went to this little workshop place full of wood whittlers. Aunts Anne, Sandy, and Darcy, I got something for you and your families! Uh, yes, it's all three the same thing, but it's hard to pick items that won't break on the way home, you know?

Yesterday and today were really full days. I'm pretty exhausted actually. Right now we are headed to Machakos to a restaurant that Eric has promised sells burgers that won't upset my stomache. Sign me up!


  1. hI Lisa, (aka African Princess)(

    Where are you travelling to with Eric? Where are you staying on your way? Are you travelling by bus? What kind of countryside or city are you passing through? How is it that so many children come to be orphaned?

    It might all be commonplace in your head but I don't have a picture of this at all and sure would appreciate and enjoy knowing more.

    See any spiders lately?


  2. Mom: we're driving with ruth and co and staying at ruths every night, so we're not really travelling TO anywhere, just around. Also, they're all aids orphans. Love lisa

  3. Happy Canada Lisa, I watched the fireworks from the best spot in Ottawa. It was like they were falling on my head! Thanks for thinking of us while you were at the whittlers. Can't wait to see what you found. I am loving the blog Lisa but can't wait for the book! xo Aunt Sandy

  4. happy (belated) canada day! man, i want to go see whittlers. did you take any pics for us? :-)
