Monday, July 20, 2009

Treats, and other food topics

My darling, darling, darling sister sent me a package of treats. A slew of Trader Joe's finest: honey sesame cashews, cranberry almond trail mix, dark chocolate and macadamia cookies, and so so so many other delights. What a gal, am I right? She also sent me a usb key full of the songs we've sung in choir, and lots of country. There is no country music here. Maybe I'll teach them some basic line dance moves! I'm excited to play all this music for them.

Tonight for dinner, Winnie and I were invited over to James' house. It is with guilt that I admit that I have come to inwardly groan whenever I am invited as a guest of honour. People like to slaughter goats and chickens and then I feel really bad for not eating them. One time, a friend was like, "and here is the meat from the goat's head! Special just for you!" and Eric and I were like, "oh, that looks great, but also, this rice is divine, so I think I'll fill up with it! Thank you!" So I hope James doesn't go to much trouble. I know that slaughtering a whole animal or making chipati are symbols to show a guest they are important, due to the monetary and time expenses, respectively. I feel so awkward when I know somebody has gone to great expense. Although I do love me some chipati, not gonna lie.

I leave next Tuesday morning, which means it's probably high time to start an hourly count down. 182 hours. We've got lots of food left in the cupboard, so I think my last grocery trip has been made. It's going to be a rice heavy week, though. Oh, also, the water pump has broken and won't be fixed for a few weeks, so the water that's remaining in our reservoir tank is all that's left for the week. We can get more, but it won't be in the taps. That means that today was my last cold shower! (From here on out, it's cold baths!)


  1. I would feel akward too if someone killed a goat for me.

    It's got to be wonderful to have some familiar food.

  2. I'm glad it finally got there...and I SWEAR you will like that country music if you give it a chance!

  3. What a delightful thought; Lisa with a line-up of the primary "pied piper" kids doing a line dance to the country music, with the goat head in your belly!!

    We are counting down the days until we see you too. How about rice and goat for dinner when you arrive?

