Monday, June 1, 2009

National holiday

Today was Madarakas day, or something like that. The day when Kenya got independance from Britain. I spent the day with Jessica and Elijah in the market area, where a celebration was taking place. Some government officials were in attendance, and each secondary school sang a song for them. Obvi my girls were the best.

There were also older women doing traditional dances that just wouldn't stop. The mc would be like, uh, okay, thanks guys and they wouldn't leave until their mics were turned off. The most hilarious part of my day was when I took a picture of a guy in a military uniform, and them he took out his camera and took a picture of me. Then we nodded at each other.

Today marks four weeks since I left home. Jessica, Elijah, and I went out for lunch after the ceremony, and them treated ourselves to a soda. I've had six cokes since arriving in Kenya: one when we went out on my first night here, one from the principal when I moved into the school, one at the funeral, one the first time I went to the market, and two at parent's day. I love having a Coke, because even though it tastes different from home, it's still kind of comforting, you know? There are other pop flavour available, but Coke is like a hug from an old friend. Today though, maybe to mark the completion of four weeks here, I got a black current Fanta instead. Oh Holy Moly, you guys. The best. Like a blue freezie but in carbonated form. I want a million more please. They don't sell this beveridge in Canada... so mark this down as number one on the Things I'm Going To Miss When I Leave Kenya list.


  1. Yay for new pop flavours! I love the story about the picture of the military guy. Will you be in Nairobi again before you go home (I mean, for a few days, not just for your flight)? xoxo!

  2. P.S. Here in Argentina they have grapefruit-flavoured pop and it is SO delicious. Also the DC is sweeter here, too, than in North America!

  3. i'm not sure i like blue freezies, but i most definitely want to try this black current deal..

  4. wow, a month already?! sounds like you are adapting really well and having an incredible adventure.

  5. Have you tried Stoney yet? *sigh* heaven.
