Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Frightening news

1. The spiders are back after a week-long absence. I guess they like the stillness that came when Winnie and I went away for the long weekend.

2. Janet, the secretary, is hospitalised with malaria. Everybody says that there aren't any mosquitos at this elevation but the bite marks on my legs, though greatly reduced in number since getting a bug net for my bed, beg to differ. And apparently they are the malaria kind. I'm glad I've been taking my daily Malarone. (By the way, taking the pill in the morning DID alleviate the insomnia. You guys leave helpful comments.)


  1. I'm so glad that you continued to take your medication. It would be awful if you got malaria.

    Hope you still have the broom handy for the spiders. Eww, I get chills just thinking about them.

  2. SCARY. both parts. can you maybe feed the malaria meds to the spiders? i bet that would kill 'em.

  3. Take a picture of one of the spiders Lisa! We want to see it.
