Sunday, May 24, 2009


In elementary school I had a friend who was a vegetarian (her last name, Burger, was a hilarious textbook example misnomer). She had chosen the herbivore life after one day, age eight, she accompanied her mom to a butchery and saw too much dead flesh to ever eat an animal again. Well, I now understand where she's coming from.

The picture below is of a road that I call death row. Its the line for the chopping block. You'll in one day and see ten cows, them go the next day and see nine. They moo so mournfully that it's impossible not to be sad for them. Add that sentiment with the one I feel when I'm at the butchery, where you see the meat being chopped off the ribs... and I'm afraid I just have to be vegetarian. I've never eaten ribs or chicken wings, not because I don't like the taste, but because the bones remind me that I'm eating something that once had organs and a heart beat. I'm much more of a chicken nugget or hot dog girl, really.

I expect this vegetarian streak to end any day. It's not a moral protest in any way, just that eating meat would make me feel viscous. If somebody served a dish with meat cooked into it, I'd eat it not to be rude, I guess. And I certainly salivate for pepperoni or a Jamaican beef patty. Oh, an Octoberfest sausage with honey mustard? Sign me up. Anything that I can forget came from an animal. But until then, it's no meat for me.


  1. Well Lisa, this post is in stark contrast to the last post when you were going around like a mad killer attacking the poor, defenceless spiders for no reason. (I assumed you did not eat them, am I correct?)

    Maybe if you get hungry enough, you will become the butcher at the end of the long lonely path.

    Send more pictures. Can you take one of the spiders and the cows?


  2. I understand completely. I did not eat meat the whole time I was in China. (With the exception of pig brain, eels and frog...but that was just for adventure)

  3. Lisa We all miss you Love Nana

  4. lis ,

    jane burger??

