Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The English teacher

Today I met the English teacher. Her English was the best of any Kenyan I have met so far. She is continually taking classes in English and right now is taking a Canadian literature course! She is just so excited to have me around. Her assiminent for the week is to learn more about Canadian culture and history so she can understand the context of her readings, and she was so excited when I said I would help her. She told me to encourage the girls to try new words and pronunciation. Actually, she told me to teach correct pronunciation, which is an interesting sentiment- that my pronunciation would be considered absolute. I guess I sound nearly American, and majority rules? How about the pronunciation of their English name? All the students are called by their English names at school. There's Sharon, which I say as SHARE-in. They say SHAW-rone except will a rolled r-ish sound, and who am I to correct somebody on their own name? There are a whole bunch of other names that they say differently from the north american way, mostly names with r like Mercy. Anyway I think I really love the English teacher. As she left, she said, "Let's make this place an English paradise!"


  1. Sure sounds like there are special people around. It seems like a wonderful, enthusiastic place.

    Miss you,
    Love mom

  2. That is so sweet! I'm glad she seems fun!

  3. An English Paradise! I expect you to write a poem with that exact title and post it on this blog.
